• Georgetown University

    Lecture Fund

    “Keep them coming, all of them — the radicals, the politicians, the spiritual leaders and whoever else can be roped into speaking here. To continue the Jesuit ideal of lifelong, comprehensive learning, our minds need to be challenged, inspired and opened.”

    - The Hoya


    The Georgetown University Lecture Fund is a non-partisan student-run organization that exists to enrich the academic experience of the Georgetown community. We strive to bring speakers to Georgetown's campus to enlighten, educate and, occasionally, entertain.


    The Lecture Fund arranges forums on a variety of topics, ranging from nuclear energy alternatives to urban economics. Along with these discussions, the Lecture Fund hosts an active calendar of individual speakers addressing a wide range of subjects and disciplines.


  • What We Do

    The Lecture Fund works within three main realms: organizing lectures, co-sponsoring events, and assisting the University with large-scale functions.

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    Organizing Lectures

    Individual Lecture Fund members reach out to speakers, inviting them to give a lecture on campus. We then collaborate on the financial, logistical, and marketing details to bring events to life!

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    Co-sponsoring Events

    The Lecture Fund provides financial, logistical, and/or marketing assistance to campus organizations or individual students with their events. Please refer to our Co-Sponsor section for more details!

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    Assisting the University

    Throughout the school year, the University occasionally requests the logistical assistance of Lecture Fund members for various large-scale events.

  • Join The Lecture Fund

    If you're interested in dialogue on campus and passionate about organizing events, follow us on social media for biannual updates about the recruitment process.

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    Associate Board

    Every semester the Lecture Fund accepts applications for our Associate Board from students of all levels of experience. Members on the Associate Board help organize lectures, manage cosponsorships, and manage our organization.

  • Interested in Applying for

    Our Associate Board?

    Applications for the Fall 2024 semester are live! Feel free to email lecturefund@georgetown.edu with any questions.

  • Past Lectures and Events

    The Lecture Fund has worked with speakers including President Barack Obama, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, rapper and activist Meek Mill, Speaker Newt Gingrich, philanthropist Warren Buffett, journalist Bob Woodward, actress Rosario Dawson, and actor Bradley Cooper. Below are examples of other individuals our collective has welcomed to the Hilltop!

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    Shaun King, Civil Rights Activist

    “Young people are frustrated...they feel like the system itself failed them. Like the nation failed them. The country failed them."

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    Rupi Kaur, Author of

    Milk and Honey

    "i have what i have and i am happy i’ve lost what i’ve lost and i am still happy"

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    Edward Snowden, Whistleblower

    "Privacy is the right to the self. And how does that happen? That happens by trying things and failing. And then trying again and succeeding."

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    Bradley Cooper, Actor

    "Just fall on your face. Who cares? Really, it’s the only way you’re going to learn. The only way. God help you if you never fail.”

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    Dr. Angela Davis, Activist-Scholar

    "When we come together, we should not be trying to transcend difference. We always talk of unity as moving beyond difference, but what if difference is precisely the glue, precisely that which unifies us? We need to imagine ourselves not as individuals, but as part of a collective"

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    Nick Kroll and John Mulaney,


    “The time after college is a time to take some risks and do whatever it is that’s in your heart. The main philosophy that I took upon graduating was that I was more scared of regret than rejection.”

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    President Barack Obama (2006)

    “The Achilles heel of the most powerful nation on earth is the oil we cannot live without."

    Warren Buffett, Investor and Philanthropist

    "It's very hard to write regulations that will keep people from acting foolishly, particularly when acting foolishly has been proven very profitable over the preceding few years."


    Link to video

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    Stephen A. Smith, Sports Commentator

    “They were telling me I was stupid and I wasn’t going to be anybody. And I said, ‘We’ll see.’ And from that day forward I was on a mission. And my mission was one thing, above all else: No one would ever laugh at me again.”

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    Peter Thiel, Venture Capitalist

    “We live in a world in which courage is in much shorter supply than genius."

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    Ali Stroker, First Wheelchair Actress on Broadway

    “Broadway theaters by law have to be accessible for audience members with disabilities...It should be the same for someone in the show.”

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    Saroo Brierley, Subject of the film Lion

    “I’d learned quickly, as a matter of survival, that I needed to take opportunities as they came—if they came—and to look forward to the future.”

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    Ta-Nehisi Coates, Author and Activist

    “The crime of enslavement is at the root, which extends through the trunk and out into the branches and into the leaves of this country, and you cannot get away from it...you take slavery away, you don’t have a country. You take away the labor and the profits that were made, and you don’t have a country.“

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    LaRussell, Musician


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    Nadya Okamoto, Social Entrepreneur


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    Stephen Breyer, Retired U.S. Supreme Court Justice


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    Rebecca Kuang, Author


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    Adam Aleksic, Linguist @etymologynerd


  • The Michael Jurist Memorial Lecture

    "Each year, LF looks to bring a speaker who encapsulates one of Michael’s diverse passions -- politics, athletics, travel, gastronomy. But, even beyond this annual lecture series, Michael is remembered for being an incredible son, family member, friend and Hoya.


    For LF, Michael is remembered for his fervent commitment to free speech and dialogue and every Tuesday evening when 30 LF members get together with our advisor, we look to the ideals set by Michael, a Chair remembered for his commitment to free-flowing speech, events measured in impact, not audience size or flare. Michael’s passion for that mission has carried on year after year through the Lecture Fund.”


    - D.J. Angelini, Vice-Chair of Internal Affairs, Lecture Fund 2015

  • Our Team

    Meet the Associate Board

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    Bailey Coghlan


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    Martina Aucejo

    Vice Chair of Internal Affairs

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    Kristy Li

    Vice Chair of External Affairs

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    Shahaan Shafi

    Vice Chair of Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility (IDEA)

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    Jackie Bucaro


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    Jackie Early

    Chief of Staff

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    Ruth Morgan


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    Anjan Balakrishnan

    Associate Board

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    Lia Bull-Krieg

    Associate Board

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    Maria Luiza Campos

    Associate Board

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    Anthony Chen

    Associate Board

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    Ryan Cotzen

    Associate Board

    Meredith Foster

    Associate Board

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    Lea George

    Associate Board

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    Hayden Giles

    Associate Board

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    Isaiah Hodges

    Associate Board

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    Luke Hughes

    Associate Board

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    Veronika Lin

    Associate Board

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    Alex Lalli

    Associate Board

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    BJ Little

    Associate Board

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    Liam McGraw

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    Imaan Niazi

    Associate Board

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    Max Pattillo

    Associate Board

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    Amelia Scott

    Associate Board

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    Nikita Tatachar

    Associate Board

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    Matthew Tierney

    Associate Board

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    Zachary Zinober

    Associate Board

  • Want to bring a speaker 

    to campus? We can help.

    Through a co-sponsorship, the Lecture Fund can provide you with financial, logistical, and/or marketing support to get your event off the ground. We supply student organizations with experienced liaisons and the comprehensive information necessary to successfully develop and market lecture events.

    Click here for the cosponsorship application.

    For more information about a cosponsorship, click here to read our guide

  • Keep in touch!

    Feel free to send us any questions or concerns you may have through the email form below.


    Also, follow us on Instagram and Facebook for more updates and announcements on upcoming events!


    Join our mailing list!